The Life of a Poker Player

Poker is a very dynamic game and so is everything around it, including the life of a poker player especially if he's a pro. It's not your ordinary everyday 9-5 job, you don't have a boss over your head and you don't count the hours until the day ends so you could go back home and enjoy the rest of the day, or what's left of it.
So far I haven't told you anything new, but what I do want to tell you is that if you wish to make a living out of poker, think again. Poker is a game of skill which involves a lot of strategy, psychology, mental strength and a little bit of luck and besides, you don't get a paycheck every time because every day and every game you play is your paycheck and if you lose that day, you lost your money and income and will have to do twice better the next day.
I'm not saying give up your dream and stop playing poker, but I do say that it is more relaxing and enjoyable to play poker as a side job or as a hobby to make a few extra bucks here and there. Playing professional poker is tough and requires a lot of strength especially mentally. You have to win time after time to secure your food on the table and there are times you'll just lose from various reasons.
Take a look at the top poker pros today among them Phil Ivey, Daniel Negreanu, Antonio Esfandiari and more. They are all millionaires, travel the world, get up at noon and play golf and then at the evening enjoy a poker session. Well, not exactly. Each and every one of them will tell you they had times when they lost a lot of money, gone broke, had to start all over again and we are talking periods here, not just days and the amounts? Millions of dollars lost.
Playing for a serious amount of money takes a lot of courage, responsibility, cool mind and mental strength as I've mentioned the third time already. These players live a very tight life as they travel a lot to poker championships, look for sponsors, sometimes owe a lot of money, go broke, get rich again, not to mention all the stress and tension during the game or before it and the depression of losing after it.
Now, take yourself for instance. You think you can handle it? My solution to you is to keep your day job or find something you enjoy doing so you'll have money for yourself and for your living and treat poker like a hobby or another job, a second job but not your primary one.
This way, you'll be able to play when you're cool, relaxed, not afraid to lose your money around the table which will instantly make you think and play more freely and positively, not to mention you'll enjoy the game a whole lot more than if it your pocket or bank account depended on it.
I remember a reporter asking a poker pro right before a tournament started if he enjoys playing poker after all these years, and the pro answering that it's a job, just like any other job and sometimes he's sick of the cards and the game but that's what he knows to do and there's nothing else for him. You don't want to be that pro because not all pros are rich and millionaires and even those who are live a very fast, emotional and stressed life.
You want to enjoy poker, to play it with fun, talk about your hands with friends, have something you like to do and can earn money from and that means treating poker like I said as a hobby or a secondary job, believe me you'll earn good amount of money this way as well. So, have a look at the 2013 WSOP schedule and pick your favorite game. There are amazing WSOP tournaments which are not too expensive as well and you'll be able to play against poker pros and remember the experience for the rest of your life, not to mention if you reach the money, you'll be in profit as well. Just remember to look at the pro during the game, I'm sure you'll have more fun than him because he'll be too stressed to have fun, he'll have to win it for the money, but you will play for fun and maybe a chance to take home a few bucks.
I would have wished you the best of luck, but we all know poker is a game of skill, right?
Enjoy your poker and play with love.