Playing Sit N Go Poker Tournaments – And Winning Them

What are Sit N Go tournaments?
A Sit N Go Poker tournament is usually a single-table tournament that can be found while playing poker online. Unlike the regular tournaments, which start at a preset hour, Sit N Go tournaments begin only when a predefined number of players are reached.
Sit N Go poker tournaments are special due to their usually low number of participants (a single table of 6 or 10 participants). Furthermore, in a single-table Sit N Go poker game you can observe all involved players at once and plan your strategies accordingly. Which naturally leads to the next question: what is a good Sit N Go strategy for a No Limit Texas Holdem game?
What is a good Sit N Go strategy?
Sit N Go strategy for a No Limit Texas Holdem game is quite different from the one involved in playing a regular cash game. While in the cash game you can experiment by limping in with obscure hands like suited K-5, you cannot afford playing this way in Sit N Go tournaments. A tournament is all about survival; therefore, practice discipline and patience.
At the early stages of Sit N Go tournaments fold most of the hands. When you get a strong hand, make a raise equal to 4 or 5 blinds. Do not let anyone with a weaker hand limp in and accidentally beat your hand on the flop.
If you follow this Sit N Go strategy and things work according to the plan, you are very likely to arrive at the later stage of the Sit N Go poker tournament with a significant stack. Moreover, you have established a table image of a tight-aggressive player, so if you raise now during the pre-flop, even with a mediocre hand, there is a bigger chance that other players will fold. Stealing the blinds at this point of the tournament is an important Sit N Go strategy – by now the blinds are big enough and you cannot afford "mucking" them.
The above Sit N Go strategy works well for a 10-people Sit N Go poker tournament. If the prizes are paid to the last 3 or 4 players, you can be among them, getting back your buy-in and then some. If, however, it is a 6-people tournament, your Sit N Go strategy must be attuned accordingly. You will be forced to pay the blinds more often, a blind and a half for every 6 hands. To compensate for this, consider stealing the blinds once in a while, even during the early stages of the tournament. Raise from a later position, even if you don't have a particularly strong hand.
Top 5 Sit N Go strategy tips for a novice player
In addition to the aforementioned Sit N Go strategy, remember this:
- At the earlier stages of Sit N Go tournaments the blinds are usually low and you might be tempted limping in with garbage cards; this is a Sit N Go strategy that you must avoid. Someone in a later position will raise, you will feel forced to call and then fold on the flop. The tournament has just begun, but your stack is already depleted.
- This is not a competition of who can raise higher. If you are getting into a battle of raises with someone, let your ego go for a moment, stop and think: how come your opponent is not afraid of whatever you might have? Does your pocket pair suffice? If you are not 100% sure that you have the nuts, consider folding. This is not about the war of egos, only of strategies.
- It is quite possible that your stack might become short, and since there are no rebuys in the Sit N Go tournaments, you must adapt your Sit N Go strategy accordingly. If you have established a tight-aggressive table image, go all-in with a strong enough hand, before the blinds will eat the rest of your stack.
- On the other hand, don't hesitate to target players with smaller stacks and force them to move all-in or fold. Being a "big stack bully" is the necessary Sit N Go strategy.
- And finally, if you lose in a Sit N Go poker tournament without winning anything, don't rush into another one, driven by the desire to chase after the victory. | Lastly, in the case of loss, it is not advisable to immediately go into another Sit N Go poker tournament. Take half an hour of a cooling period.
We hope that these strategies will prove to be useful for you. Good luck and see you at the Sit N Go tournaments!