Major Variants of Online Poker

Poker is a very well known game in the casinos. In land-based as well as in the online casino, Poker is one of the favorites of many. With time, Poker has evolved into different varieties. Nevertheless, the main type of Poker still exists in one of these. Online Poker has not lost its flavor with the involvement of numerous varieties. In fact, its flavor has increased much more.
The basic set of rules of Online Poker doesn’t change for any variety. For the newbies, lets mention that if they know the basic rules of Poker, they can play any variety with utmost ease. The basic rules incorporate, first of all, the set of ranks. Poker hands have combinations of cards which are regarded in a specific order. And this is actually the key to win online Poker. All you have to do is make a best hand and you can take away the lot.
Now in different varieties, there are differences regarding the number of cards distributed, the number of faced-up and faced-down cards. Like in Texas Holdem Poker, first two faced-down cards are distributed followed by a round of betting. Then again two more faced-up cards are distributed followed by betting rounds. In Omaha Poker, first four faced-down cards are distributed followed by betting rounds and then three faced-up cards are distributed one by one. Each is followed by betting rounds. In Seven Card Stud Poker, seven cards are distributed in one go. Players can replace the useless cards in respective turns after betting each time. The players have to make the best five hand cards in the end.
In Five Card Draw Poker, all five cards are distributed in one go. All cards stay faced down. The players bet over their cards and in the end, the player with the best hand takes away the lot. Razz Poker differs from all the other varieties by the fact that the player with the weakest hand is considered as the winner in the end. Caribbean Stud Poker has progressive jackpot to offer and also, not just the winner, but the other players with one of the Poker rank hand also win some percentage of the lot.
So you must have seen that the various varieties of the online Poker do not differ much. They just differ in minor aspects. You can find a good and reputable website and play online Poker and win cash.